Friday, 18 March 2011

Bye Bye Barad Guldur

Thursdays is a raid night in my kinship, the Western Alliance. We did possibly the last Durchest and the Twins Hardmode run as hopefully the new raid will be with us this time next week. I can’t see a group of 12 people wanted to return to this raid for a long time.
I personally have enjoyed the Barad Guldur raid although many people haven’t. The long trash clearing put a lot of people off. Some of the trash mobs were challenging like the mistress and warg pulls but some were just annoying like the lights in phase three. They should have replaced these with Mistresses or something less annoying. I regret not having figured out properly the tanking mechanic on Durchest as we always seem to get him fixated on the wrong player initially even though we know how it is meant to work.
I managed to kill the Lieutenant in Hardmode so I am partially satisfied that I have fully experienced this raid but I never managed to get the full set of armour which is a disappointment. At least that might encourage some players to return to the raid a little sooner to finish their armour sets.
My kinship has a raid on Monday to the Lieutenant but I doubt I will get into that raid as it is likely to be heavily over subscribed. So for now it is likely to be bye bye Barad Guldur

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